How Nominations Work.


The process for selecting our Inaugural Caregiver Award recipient is being regarded as a top priority for our board. Nominations will end on July 31 for the 2021 recipient. Upon the closure of the nomination period our board will review all of the nominations individually, with names and other identifying information redacted (the individual who does the redactions will not have a vote in determining the recipient). We will hold a special meeting in August where nominations will be discussed, and by the end of the meeting, a very worthy recipient of our caregiver award will be selected!

We encourage you to nominate a caregiver as soon as possible! This will ensure that you submit the nomination prior to the deadline (July 31). While we ask that you only nominate an individual caregiver one time, you are welcome to nominate as many different caregivers as you would like. When we receive multiple nominations from different individuals for the same caregiver, all of the nominations will be factored in during the selection process.

Go Nominate.


Click the button below to go back to the Caregiver Award page, and start nominating!