Make a donation.
Your generosity today can change the world tomorrow.
100% of your tax deductible donation will go towards Alzheimer’s Care and Research - getting us one step closer to Making Alzheimer’s a Memory!

“We’re going to get it!” - Karen Lee Dubea
Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S., with more than 100,000,000 affected by 2050…
…unless we are successful in our mission of:
Making Alzheimer’s A Memory!
Ending Alzheimer’s through drug discovery.
Our Alzheimer’s research partner is the only non-profit solely focused on finding drugs for Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Joyful days… With a purpose.
Our Alzheimer's care partner is only adult day center in our area, and specializes caring for adults with cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer's and dementia.
“Thanks just isn’t a big enough word for what KLD founders and volunteers are doing to support families & research! You are SUPER HEROES ♥️”
— Suzan W.